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Department Detail:  Register in Probate

Department Register in Probate
Address 200 E. Madison St
Crandon, Wisconsin  54520
Phone Number 715-478-2418
Fax Number 715-478-2430
Staff Register in Probate Staff




Juvenile & Children’s Code

Chapter 51




Probate is the court-supervised process by which the assets of the decedent are properly distributed. The courts objective is to ensure that the deceased’s debts, taxes, and other valid-claims are paid and that assets are distributed in accordance with the will if it exists or on the orders of the court as determined by statue if a will does not exist.


Types of Probate


A formal proceeding is a judicial proceeding before the court involving the administration of the estate of a decedent. Statute requires that the petitioner hire an attorney. This type of probate is required if the decedent did not have a Last Will and Testament and the petitioner is unable to obtain Waivers and Consents from all of the interested parties.



Informal Administration means the administration of decedents’ estates, testate and intestate, without exercise of continuous supervision by the court. The administration is under the supervision of the Probate Registrar.


Summary Settlement and Summary Assignment

These two types of probate are used when the decedent is survived by a spouse and or minor child(ren)- Summary Settlement, or if there is not spouse – Summary Assignment. The value of the Summary Settlement does not require publication, but Summary Assignment does.


Special Administration

A special administrator who is appointed without notice of hearing shall have only those powers and duties that are specifically granted to the special administrator by order of the court.


Transfer by Affidavit

To transfer decedent’s assets not exceeding $50,000.00 (gross) to an heir, trustee of trust created by decedent, or person who was guardian of the decedent at the time of the decedent’s death for distribution.



A court-supervised proceeding used to transfer assets located within the State of Wisconsin when a decedent’s probate has been filed in a state other than the State of Wisconsin



Public Information



Estates (if Marital Property, base fee on only one-half the value):

o   Net estate $10,000.00 or less                        $20.00

o   Net estate more than $10,000.00                       .2%

   Guardianships & Conservatorships:

    (If Joint or Marital Property, base fee on only one-half the value)

o   Net estate less than $50,000.00                         $20.00

o   Net estate more than $50,000.00                       .2%

   Termination of Life Estates                                                   $3.00

   Certificate of Judgment of Descent

o   Net estate $10,000.00 or less                            $20.00

o   Net estate more than $10,000.00                       .2%

   Objections to Probate of Will                                                $20.00

   Will filed for safekeeping                                                $10.00

   Certifications                                                                   $3.00

   Coping & Comparing (per page)                                     $1.00

   Filing Claims against the Estate                                        $3.00

   Searching files or records (each)                                      $4.00

   Termination of Joint Tenancy/Survivorship

o   Net estate $10,000.00 or less                           $20.00

o   Net estate more than $10,000.00                      .2%

Quick Links


Personal Representative’s Guide to Informal Administration in Wisconsin  

WI Circuit Court Forms

Access to the Public Records of the Wisconsin Circuit Courts

Wisconsin State Law Library

Internal Revenue Service (Employer Identification number application)

Aging and Disability Resource Centers   

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